
Robert Zelník worked in the field of print graphics and printing, later as a freelance creator and developer of web applications. In 2001 in Bratislava he co-founded the Local Exchange of Goods and Services LETS Svojpomoc. He collaborated with the editors of the magazines Fénix and Kruh Life. Since 2012, he has co-created the Neighbourhood networks and markets for domestic products and surplus. Since 2012 he has collaborated with civic association Sieť dobra. He is interested in social innovation, cultural creativity, progressive ways of cooperation and co-creation, and the local economy. He is currently co-creating with Lucia Grejtáková with a joint blog about ideas worthy of attention Svet tvorivo and an inspirational and informational website Lokalnost, whose is part of the Czech-Slovak branch of the World Localization Day campaign. He lives in the hills of Myjava, keeps bees and is dedicated to improving soil improvement.